thanksgiving is coming. im thankful, but then i have all this grabage due at the end of the week. how inconsiderate can you be as an instructor? to top it all off, one of the sync cords for my flash broke... lame. im just complaining really. on the up and up, i have a really cool idea for a painting im going to do for my apartment (or whatever ill be staying in when i move). i sketched it up tonight, and im stoked to say the least.
i generally end with some spiritual insight that i feel like God has given me recently. I dont have anything tonight. I think He gave me an idea a couple weeks ago. Im totally excited about it. its about being quite, and how the things we say sometimes cheapen the silence. i think its cool that God gave us an idea, and then works on it along the way. i like that. ill probably write that in a few days. honestly, im just procrastinating right now. here are some things i shot tonight.

he didnt have any pegs, so this is unbelievable hard. he ate crap on it actually, and his knee swelled up. its not my best work, but its something.

this is kind of a happy accident. i wanted this to be very simple in its composition. lots of geometric shapes. because the afore mentioned sync chord broke, the flash that lights the front half of the rider didnt fire. it left the shot with this really dark shadow. kind of gives him some anonymity, which adds the the photo i think. ill reshoot this later on, but its still pretty cool as is.
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